“I won’t be shamed or silenced by Minister Harris”, said Grace McBreen’s dad
Martin McBreen, who features in a new LoveBoth poster with his daughter Grace who has Down Syndrome, has released a video this evening in response to Minister Simon Harris’ comments earlier today. The Minister was highly critical of a new LoveBoth poster showing Martin and his daughter Grace and said that people with Down Syndrome […]
“It seemed like we were given a death sentence”, mother of baby with Down Syndrome
Our son is 8 months old and he has Down Syndrome. He already says mama, dada, nana!!! 🙂 The public health nurse was in tears hearing him and called it a miracle. Doctors insisted to have amniocentesis and we refused. They couldn’t believe we didn’t want to do it. Their attitude really hurt. It seemed […]
05.05.18: #LoveBothVoteNo Tour sets off from Dublin
The #LoveBothVoteNo Tour set off from Dublin today on the first leg of its tour around the country. A team of LoveBoth volunteers boarded the bus at City Hall before leaving the city for the tour’s first stops in Mullingar, Carrick-on-shannon and Sligo. Commenting at the launch, LoveBoth spokesperson Katie Ascough said: “With less than 3 […]
“If I had been in South Africa, my daughter would not exist” – Irene.
“I’m originally from South Africa. I have been living here in Ireland for the past 11 years. 6 years ago I got pregnant. At the time I didn’t want the baby, I really wanted an abortion. But because I was not living in South Africa I couldn’t have one. It was a tough pregnancy because […]
17.04.18: Minister Harris tweets 130 times on abortion in 4 months and just once on the trolley crisis
Minister Harris needs to get his priorities straight The LoveBoth campaign has highlighted the fact that since January, Health Minister Simon Harris has tweeted or retweeted on the Eighth Amendment 130 times* and just once on the trolley crisis. Commenting on these extraordinary figures, LoveBoth spokesperson Geraldine Martin said: “For the first time, we have heard […]
“Abortion on mental health grounds has proved to be abortion on demand”, William Binchy
The Government has formally published the bill containing the proposed wording of the abortion referendum. It gives the details of the law the Government wants to introduce if the Eighth Amendment is repealed. One of them is abortions legalised in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities, including cases which will lead to the loss of life […]
Article 40.3.3 of the Irish Constitution. Riddle me this!
There are so many contradictions in the debate around the article 40.3.3 of the Irish Constitution, better known as the. Here are a few I have been studying… 1. We are told: ‘It’s not a baby, it’s just a clump of cells’ yet we are also told ‘abortion is a traumatic experience for a woman […]
I had an abortion at ten weeks.
There are lots of areas that the Oireachtas committee never bothered to examine. Among them, women who have been hurt by abortion, Like Bernadette. “I became pregnant in my late teens, and 10 weeks into the pregnancy I had an abortion. A trusted doctor assured me that the procedure would be simple, effective, with no after effects. I was never […]
Victoria is lucky that she was not 1/5
“I was almost aborted after my mother came under tremendous pressure to end my life. But she stayed strong and gave me the precious gift of life. I am so thankful to her for giving me the dignity everyone should have. I feel grateful to live in Ireland where the right to life of unborn […]
Abortion matters to men as well
I am 18 years old, and I’ve seen that guys my age don’t really care about abortion because they don’t know what being a father is like or they only see it as an issue for woman to deal with. However, I believe young men like myself should have more of an education on abortion […]