
“I was almost aborted after my mother came under tremendous pressure to end my life. But she stayed strong and gave me the precious gift of life. I am so thankful to her for giving me the dignity everyone should have. I feel grateful to live in Ireland where the right to life of unborn babies is still protected. In France, where I grew up, one in every five babies are aborted. Once abortion is legalised, there is no going back. It is sad to hear all the calls for repeal of the 8th Amendment. Because of my personal circumstances, I’ve come to understand that each of us is unique and irreplaceable.”

Victoria, Dublin.

Abortion was legalised in France in January 1975. The numbers soared between 1975-1981. Today, 1 in 5 pregnancies in France ends in abortion. Victoria is lucky that she was not 1/5.

Repeal means more abortions

Abortion in France

In Ireland, the 8th Amendment saves an estimate of 5,000 lives  (pdf) every year.

See this video on Youtube: