
Martin McBreen, who features in a new LoveBoth poster with his daughter Grace who has Down Syndrome, has released a video this evening in response to Minister Simon Harris’ comments earlier today. The Minister was highly critical of a new LoveBoth poster showing Martin and his daughter Grace and said that people with Down Syndrome should not feature in the debate. The poster was also criticised by Senator Aodhán Ó’Riordáin and Lisa Chambers TD.

In the video, Martin highlights the horrific statistics from countries like Britain where 90% of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted. And he says he “won’t be shamed or silenced” out of the debate.

Hello, this is Martin McBreen.
You’ve probably seen the vote no posters featuring myself and my daughter Grace who has Down Syndrome. As you may have heard Simon Harris’ comments that our voices shouldn’t be part of the referendum campaign.
Well I won’t be shamed or silenced by those pushing radical abortion in this country. 
It’s a fact that Down Syndrome can be identified in the womb, with 99% accuracy, as early as nine weeks.
It’s a fact that 90% of all unborn babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome in Britain are aborted. 
And, it’s also a fact that the proposed law from the government will allow babies with Down Syndrome to be targeted by abortion.
Vote no for my daughter and everyone like her.
You will be saving lives.