
What is Abortion?

Abortion 8th Amendment

Q:  What is Abortion? A: Abortion involves the deliberate destruction of a baby’s life before it is born. The only aim of the procedure is to end the child’s life. If the child lives it means that the procedure has failed.  

What is the 8th Amendment?

8th Amendment Abortion

Q:  What is the 8th Amendment? A:  The 8th Amendment is the clause in the Constitution that protects mums and babies in pregnancy. It was inserted into the Constitution in 1983 and supported by a 67% of those who voted in the referendum. The 8th Amendment was voted in at a time when other countries […]

Why do you want to keep the 8th Amendment?

Q. Why do you want to keep the 8th Amendment? A. The 8th Amendment has had a hugely positive, humane and life-saving impact on society. Our abortion rates are a fraction of those in Britain, taking our different population sizes into account. In the past five years in Ireland, we’ve had a government established working […]

How can you compare a woman to a foetus and see them as equal?

ultrasound abortion 8th Amendment

Q:  How can you compare a woman to a foetus and see them as equal, especially in early pregnancy? A: Each of us, as a vulnerable unborn child, completed the journey from conception to birth.  Most of us have seen the amazing ultrasound pictures of our own children or those of family members. The baby’s […]

What if the woman’s life is at risk?


Q:  What if the woman’s life is at risk? A: Under existing law in Ireland, a woman is entitled to receive all necessary medical treatments in pregnancy to protect her life and health. Sometimes the treatment may indirectly result in the death of the unborn baby. However, the intention is not to end the baby’s […]

What about ‘Fatal Foetal Abnormality’?

Q: What about ‘Fatal Foetal Abnormality’? A: The debate about abortion where an unborn baby has a life-shortening condition is not a medical one. It is about how we look out for one another as a society. Anyone can have a disability, a handicap or a terminal illness and it can come in old age, […]

Aren’t you just imposing your religious opinion and beliefs on me?

Q:  Aren’t you just imposing your religious opinion and beliefs on me? A:  Not true. You don’t have to be from any faith tradition to agree that human life should be protected and that intentionally ending the life of another human being is not right. Some of the world’s best-known self-professed atheists have also declared […]

Women who have aborted. Are they criminals?

Q:  If a woman has an abortion are you saying she should be prosecuted and threatened with nearly a decade in prison? A: The laws against abortion are there to protect women and unborn babies. Abortion is an extremely serious issue. It ends the life of an innocent baby in his or her mother’s womb. […]

What improvements do you propose for our society instead of abortion?

On any given night, there are more than 20 homeless pregnant women living rough on the streets of our cities [1]. This human suffering could be alleviated and suitable sheltered accommodation found, if the political will existed. Likewise, we should be working together to make Ireland a pioneering centre of excellence for perinatal palliative care facilities […]

Aren’t we out of touch with the international community on this issue?

Q: The UN Human Rights Committee has criticised Ireland for not legalising abortion. Doesn’t that reveal how out of touch we are with the international community on this issue? Ireland is under no legal obligation to legislate for abortion as a result of any comments from international bodies.  These same international bodies ignore the fact […]