
Several groups of volunteers have been traveling around the country to share their ideas about protecting life, on the LoveBoth Tour. Here are two of their testimonies.

Sign up to get involved – you won’t regret it!

“When you turn on the radio or the TV and they’re discussing the abortion issue, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the majority of the country wanted to see the repeal of the 8th Amendment. It can be a little disheartening at times, when you can recognise the lies being spread in the name of ‘choice’. However, the Love Both tour has opened my eyes to what the public really think about abortion in Ireland. I’ve done the Galway tour and the weekly outreach sessions in Dublin, and honestly, I loved both!
It’s only when you talk to people directly that you see how they really feel about the issue: the majority of people I’ve spoken to about the issue don’t actually want to see the 8th Amendment repealed!
In Galway, there were, of course, those who didn’t want to hear the pro-life side of the debate, but even in the city we got a lot of people coming up to us with words of encouragement and support. When we did outreach in Dublin, we were greeted with an overwhelming openness and the majority of people we met were either pro-life or at the very least, open to hearing our side of the debate.
Going up to talk to people about the pro-life message is never the easiest thing to do at the start, but helping out with the LoveBoth tour is a great way to get involved and meet some incredible people. The work is good and the craic is mighty! Sign up to get involved – you won’t regret it!”
By Roger Theodore Berkeley

The future of the world

“Getting to canvass in Galway as part of the LoveBoth Summer Tour was an absolutely unreal experience. It seems daunting at first given the uncertainty about what to expect, whether people will give out to you, or whether they’ll acknowledge your existence at all.
The truth of the matter is that the cause we’re fighting for is much greater than any setback.
Thinking in those terms helped me overlook any displeasing comments, and pushed me to make a greater effort to engage with people in the street. Another factor that really boosted my confidence was to think of the many people I had come across who were pro-life themselves, and who had thanked me and the Pro Life Campaign for some fantastic work. They’d shout out a “fair play to ye! Ye will keep Ireland great with the 8th! Go raibh maith agat, folks!”.
All in all, I’m extremely glad I did this, I’ve learnt a lot, and I know I have not only served Ireland and its future, but the future of the world.”
By Al Byrne