I know it may not seem like it now, amidst the mixture of emotions during an unplanned pregnancy; shock, fear, isolation, but at the foundation of all these emotions that cloud the true reality, is that you have been given the most precious gift you will ever receive, the miracle of life. People around you, that are close to you, that have even participated in this wonderful creation (even though it may not seem like it now) keep telling you that in order to live a happier life free of shame, guilt, worry, that your best option is to rid your body of this burden. When all the time, the negative advice they are trying to instill in you, was for their own selfish guilt ridden conscience!
Believe me, there are so many positives when you have a baby and so many more negatives if you decide not to. It is only then, when you hear your baby’s heart beat for the very first time, when you finally get to hold your precious baby and look at her pure innocence… It is then you will realise the true and ultimate meaning of life, the most wonderful miracle you will ever cherish. The people around you that pretended to care, that tried to influence you negatively, telling you that you could never cope alone are only thinking of themselves. Do not look back with a lifetime of regrets just because of other people’s opinions. The birth of your baby will bring such love and fulfillment to your life that you will think how meaningless it would all be without her.
(Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash)