With your support we can work towards an Ireland that looks after unborn babies and their mothers. Please give what you can today.
The majority of our work is done by volunteers. We work hard to make sure we achieve as much as possible with the donations we receive.
If you cannot donate online please phone us on 01 662 9275 to make a donation over the phone with a debit or credit card.
Cheques, bank drafts or postal orders can be made payable to Pro-Life Campaign, 60 Clifton House, Lower Fitzwilliam St, Dublin 2
Alternatively, you can make an electronic transfer to our bank account with the details below:
- Account Name: Pro Life Campaign
- Account Address: Bank of Ireland, O’ Connell Street, Dublin
- Sort Code: 90-00-33, Account Number: 27760923
- IBAN: IE57 BOFI 9000 3327 7609 23